As a church we want to be united and committed to each other and to God. We want to be growing spiritually as well as numerically and be a vibrant family of faith looking outwards to our town, local area and further afield. We want to be a praying people depending on God and the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us forward in the adventure of faith, witness and selfless service.
We want to help people of different ages and backgrounds to get to know Jesus and to feel loved, accepted and valued as part of our church family. In their journey of faith we want them to discover a sense of purpose and calling to discover and develop their gifts and talents in the church and wider community. We want to be confident and bold in sharing the love of Jesus.
We want to be people guided and inspired by God’s word so that we keep Jesus central in all we say & do.
We want our church to be a safe place for people to discover Jesus and grow in their faith. We want people to be able to ask difficult questions and share their doubts and fears knowing they will be listened to with respect and be unconditionally loved and accepted as fellow disciples of Jesus.
We want to be a people of growing faith and confidence in the gospel who have a sense of vision and purpose as we journey into the plans God has for us in Ross on Wye and beyond.
As a member of Baptists Together, the church subscribes to the Declaration of Principle. Our vision is to be a Christ- centred community and our values as a community are “Faith, Hope and Love”. Our vision is to “Inspire lives with the message of Jesus.”
In practice we come from a variety of church backgrounds and are evangelical in outlook. We are open to the Holy Spirit’s working and gifting both in our own lives and through us into the community.
We are part of the Heart of England Baptist Association (HEBA) and members of the Evangelical Alliance.
The church is active in the community and its central location is very helpful. We continue to look for practical ways of showing God’s love locally. Our activities are in the church lounge or increasingly in ‘The Venue’ an adjacent building used by the church and community.
The church is evangelical, and committed to making the historic teachings of the Christian faith relevant to our ever changing world.
Why not come along to one of our services and meet the rest of the church? If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.