All REGULAR ACTIVITIES have been cancelled during the Covid 19 crisis.
Around the turn of the millennium, a single art class with a teacher was started at Ross Baptist Church. This proved so successful that around 2002 it split into a Monday Art Class, for beginners and less confident artists, and a Tuesday Art Club, for the more confident or self-motivated. At first the Tuesday Art Club also had a tutor, a retired Miniaturist who would advise the other artists as required, but when her ill health became a problem, the group continued with peer encouragement.
Both Art groups run from ten in the morning to twelve noon on their respective days, typically school term time only. Your first visit is free, and the charge is low and paid only when you are there, rather than a termly fee. Hot drink, biscuits, and occasional cakes are included.
We are a very mixed bunch in the Tuesday Art Club. Mostly retirees, for obvious reasons, but also some younger folk who choose to make time in their schedules to do some art. The atmosphere varies from intense silent concentration, through murmured chat, to occasional uproarious laughter! People are interested in each other’s work, and encouragement and suggestions are usually welcomed. We also hold occasional all day workshops with a guest artist, which are funded from the fees.
The two groups jointly hold an annual exhibition, at which all members of the two groups are entitled to show their work. The result is a range of pictures, from the work of highly proficient artists through to absolute beginners delighted to show their progress. We believes this encourages not only those on display, but also visitors who might think they are no good, but may decide to have a go and find themselves enjoying the Monday class and having their own exhibits next year!
At a glance:
- Downstairs at Ross Baptist Church
- Tuesday Mornings, typically in school term time
- 10am – 12noon
- Free first session, £3 for each session thereafter
- Tea/Coffee and Biscuits included