Weekend Youth

We meet twice a month. This is a time to get together, cement friendships and have some fun. The activities we do vary from bike rides, walks, games nights to bowling. Ideas come from the youth and the youth leadership team. Suitable for year 6+.


Saturday 8th February at 7-9pm
In the Venue
Come along and enjoy sports, games and pizza.

Friday 14th February at 6:30-9:30pm
In the Church Hall
Ever made a cake? Please bring along your Valentines decorations, apron, mixing bowl, wooden spoon, cake tin for baking and tin to take the cake home. Make a cake for someone you love and impress them with the results. 

Friday 21st March till Sunday 23rd March
Our weekend away is to Lenchwood, near Evesham. If you would like to join us, please arrange for a consent form to be returned as soon as possible or contact Pete for more details.

Contact Pete for more information
07305 185093 / pete@rossbaptist.org