Weekend Youth

We meet twice a month. This is a time to get together, cement friendships and have some fun. The activities we do vary from bike rides, walks, games nights to bowling. Ideas come from the youth and the youth leadership team. Suitable for year 6+.


Saturday 7th September
at 6.45pm at 34 the Gresleys
Branch is a monthly worship for secondary school-aged people, meeting at the Forest Community Church. Meet Pete at 34 The Gresleys for a lift.
Worship God, go deeper into his word and connect with others.
If you want to check them out before you go along, you can see what happens on the YouTube channel 

Friday 13th September
7-9pm at The Venue
Join us to play sports, games and eat pizza.

Saturday 28th September
More details to follow.

Contact Pete for more information
07305 185093 / pete@rossbaptist.org